Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Did You Really Just Ask That?!

I'm a bit irritated with my DH today. He had a DuH moment. Granted, it wasn't a big moment, but he seriously should have known better! Especially after last year with our DS!

I don't share my babies. I don't have to. I don't want to. I don't like to! Be happy I let you see my kids! Why must you want to have ALL the experiences?!

I medically cannot breastfeed. I hate that. I WANT to, but I cannot. I won't go into details. Just know I can't. The "mommy guilt" is horrible about it, and my only way of feeling better about it is by still being the sole provider of food for my babies when they're born (with the exception of DH giving a bottle here and there). I do not share this for at least the first few months, and even then it's rare I let someone else feed my kids.

Last year when DS was all of 4 days old my MIL got all butt hurt when I wouldn't let her feed my son. We were moving into our new house. MIL came to help. I learned that, in her mind, helping meant she takes care of DS while I moved furniture and unpacked boxes and played hostess to the people who came to help out. Didn't happen. I took care of my 2 kids, and I pointed her towards the moving truck. Big CBF, and later tears to my (then) DuH.

He and I actually FOUGHT because of that wench over other people feeding MY babies! We resolved the issue. He got on my side real quick. I didn't exactly give him a choice in the matter.

That brings us to today. YDD is a little over 2 weeks old. Today is FIL's birthday. We've invited him up for dinner.

What did my idiot husband ask me this morning???

"Hey, would it be OK if my dad fed (YDD) once if he were to ask tonight?"

Ummm, WHAT?!?!?! Excuse me?!?!?! Did you seriously just ask me that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

He changed his tune quick. Not sure why. I didn't say anything. I'm sure I was shooting flaming daggers from my eyes though, so that may have something to do with it.

Sadly, I suspect the issue may come up again... when FIL is here... in which case I will grab my children and lock ourselves in my bedroom until FIL leaves and DH removes his head from his ass.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Babies and Idiocrity

First, I must apologize for my absence. It's been a full 2 months since my last post. The main reason for that was a lack of things to rant about. I was avoiding drama sources for a while, as it was my last two months of pregnancy. As fun as it may have been, I really didn't want to chew someone up and barf up the remains over some stupid PA comment.

I have finally returned! My latest crotchfruit was birthed on July 11th after a very intense, but short lived, labor. We're talking 2.5 hours from first contraction to delivery of the bebeh. Sucked, but definitely preferable to longer labor!

Anywhoo, the ranting and raving can once again resume! Today's topic is the idiocrity that comes from the birth of a baby!

This is child number 3. A baby girl. The stupidity is, yet again, on the side of my ILs. The first stupid act was the day the baby was born. Rather than calling with a time they would be coming to the hospital to visit, FIL told DH "I'll call when I get there" and refused to give an actual time. Never mind the fact we had a certain time frame where my parents were bringing ODD and DS to meet their new sister. Never mind that the rooms were very small, so if FIL and MIL got there at the same time as the kids there wouldn't be enough room for everyone. No. FIL had to do it his way. Whatever. We sucked it up. FIL and MIL showed up 10 minutes before Mom, Dad, ODD and DS. FIL and MIL had to cut their visit short because of it.

The next stupid act was, again, on the part of FIL. YDD was born on a Monday. We went home on Wednesday. Thursday FIL called wanting to come visit that Saturday. DH told him he'd have to get back to him after we discussed the possibility of a visit, since you know? I had just shoved a watermelon out of my cooch, and DH wanted to make sure I was up for visitors at the house before people came over. FIL got pissed about this. No, really. He got pissed. Apparently DH shouldn't be making sure his wife and children are happy, healthy, and ready for visitors. In retaliation FIL decided he no longer wanted to come visit... Sadly for him, this didn't bother us any at all. It's his loss.

Oh, and let's not forget The Debil. It would seem that it's no big deal to DH's family to be discussing what method I am using to feed YDD all over DH's FB wall! Yes, DH has an aunt who has posted in various places about how breastfeeding is best for me and YDD, and blah blah blah this and that and a bunch of other shit that has no business being discussed by these people! WTF?! I mean, seriously?! You're going to talk about ME breastfeeding on my DH's FB page?! I DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW YOU!!!!!!!! It's none of your business whether or not I BF, how much I BF, why I BF, or anything else... AND IT SURE AS HELL DOESN'T BELONG ON MY DH'S FB PAGE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE YOU BITCH!!!

Oh, and by the way... I DON'T EVEN BF!!!!!!! Medically cannot. So what the hell is she doing even talking about me BFing if I don't BF?!?! Oh, wait. I'm sure it's just another PA attempt from people in DH's family to guilt me into doing something. How dare I not BF! They pulled this shit last year before and after DS was born as well.

Oh, and then there was the Skype call with TBIL. He's a family-is-everything glitter shitting unicorn. I love him. He's the most normal of DH's family (well, his wife is even more normal, but TBIL is the most normal of the blood-relations). However, he's still a damned unicorn. He spent a good amount of time telling us we just have to deal with FIL for the rest of FIL's life, because he's faaaaaaammmmmmiiilllllyyyyyyy and we need to make time for him when he calls, even though we might already have plans or it might not be a good day because that's what family does! And all he has to live for are his grandkids! ... Fuck that.

I'm waiting for the next stupid thing to come up. I'm betting on a FM telling us we need to go visit the ILs because OBIL and SIL haven't met YDD yet.