Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Did You Really Just Ask That?!

I'm a bit irritated with my DH today. He had a DuH moment. Granted, it wasn't a big moment, but he seriously should have known better! Especially after last year with our DS!

I don't share my babies. I don't have to. I don't want to. I don't like to! Be happy I let you see my kids! Why must you want to have ALL the experiences?!

I medically cannot breastfeed. I hate that. I WANT to, but I cannot. I won't go into details. Just know I can't. The "mommy guilt" is horrible about it, and my only way of feeling better about it is by still being the sole provider of food for my babies when they're born (with the exception of DH giving a bottle here and there). I do not share this for at least the first few months, and even then it's rare I let someone else feed my kids.

Last year when DS was all of 4 days old my MIL got all butt hurt when I wouldn't let her feed my son. We were moving into our new house. MIL came to help. I learned that, in her mind, helping meant she takes care of DS while I moved furniture and unpacked boxes and played hostess to the people who came to help out. Didn't happen. I took care of my 2 kids, and I pointed her towards the moving truck. Big CBF, and later tears to my (then) DuH.

He and I actually FOUGHT because of that wench over other people feeding MY babies! We resolved the issue. He got on my side real quick. I didn't exactly give him a choice in the matter.

That brings us to today. YDD is a little over 2 weeks old. Today is FIL's birthday. We've invited him up for dinner.

What did my idiot husband ask me this morning???

"Hey, would it be OK if my dad fed (YDD) once if he were to ask tonight?"

Ummm, WHAT?!?!?! Excuse me?!?!?! Did you seriously just ask me that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

He changed his tune quick. Not sure why. I didn't say anything. I'm sure I was shooting flaming daggers from my eyes though, so that may have something to do with it.

Sadly, I suspect the issue may come up again... when FIL is here... in which case I will grab my children and lock ourselves in my bedroom until FIL leaves and DH removes his head from his ass.

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