Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ummm... WHAaaa?!

***Disclaimer - You will probably think I am an inconsiderate bitch for this post. I don't care. I'm a bit irritated, and I'm ranting. This is, after all, a rant blog.

One of the towns local to the area I went to high school suffered a tragedy. Five teenagers lost their lives in a horrendous car accident. A small Saturn (I think it was) collided head on with a big ol' pic-up truck hauling a horse trailer.

You couldn't tell it was a car. It was a mangled mess of metal. It was taken away in pieces. I'm not sure how they identified the teens. The Saturn contained the 5 teens. The pick-up contained a family of 4 - mom, dad, teenager, 8mo baby.

Everyone in the pick-up was (physically) fine.

Here is where my issues are:

The local populace is highly upset. So upset that local businesses, such as McDonalds, are holding fund-raisers for the families of the 5 teens.

Why does this piss me off?


Yes, it was the Saturn that was in the wrong. The car swerved to the right, almost off the road... and the driver then jerked the wheel to the left to correct the problem, only to drive the car OVER the yellow lines into oncoming traffic! It hadn't been raining. There was no snow. It was a very beautiful day that day. There's no way the accident could have been blamed on the road conditions. It was, purely, stupid driving by the teenager behind the wheel.

I know this town. I've seen accident after accident happen in this and surrounding towns. Very, very rarely are there ever fund raisers for the families. Basically, the only ones I know of are the ones where the victim was a biker... and he was the VICTIM (not the CAUSE) in the accident... and a bunch of biker friends organize a ride for the family the first year, and for a cause worth donating to for the following years.

There wasn't an outcry like this oevr the summer when a woman and her unborn baby were killed in an accident because of some idiot crossing the yellow lines. There wasn't an outcry like this when, back when I was in HS, someone I went to school with was decapitated in an accident. There wasn't an outcry like this for ANY accident that I can think of!

Oh, sure, there was the crying... the mass attendance at the viewings... the grief counselors... etc... But the local fund raisers? No. None that I can think of. These are small towns. If there was one, I'd have known about it at some point through the grapevine, or on local news stations, or in the local paper, or over the announcements at school.

What the fuck makes these kids so fucking special!?

Like I said. I know this town. Had it been that family in the pick-up who died instead, or even just ONE member of that family (like the baby), there wouldn't be such a huge outcry. There wouldn't be a fund raiser.

Again, what the fuck makes these kids so fucking special?!

I feel bad for their families. Truly, I do. I keep them in my prayers... ... ...

But really? They CAUSED the accident. How about we NOT get all fundingly excited over this and instead amp up drivers license requirements. It was a car filled to capacity with high schoolers. They were probalby goofing off in the car, not paying attention, and then BAM!!! They cross the yellow line and die.

They brought it upon themselves. Grieve and move on. Don't raise money in honor of somoene who died breaking traffic laws.

The end.

Hate me at will.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A rant...

...about having nothing to rant about.

How the hell can I maintain a blog when I have no rants?! Seriously. I make a blog to rant, or offer advice to those with problems.

No emails, so no problems to rant about and resolve.

And nothing is going horribly wrong in my life, so I have no rants of my own! WTF?! If there are no rants, then my blog is useless!


Perhaps I could complain about my children. But then people would think I shouldn't have had kids. I love my kids! Wouldn't change them for the world! Behaviors, on the other hand, I would.

Even my ILs have been well behaved! Or maybe that's because we don't see them much, so there's nothing to complain about.

Except SIL.

Bitch was trying to call YDD Renesmee. Why? Because SIL claims YDD looks like the baby from the movie. Ummmm... ... ... no. STFU, that is NOT her name. Call her that again, and I'll cut out your tongue and feed it to the goats.

Or maybe the llamas. Llamas might be more fitting.

Perhaps the Holiday season will bring some rant material my way.

*sulks in the corner for a lack of drama* :-p