Thursday, December 1, 2011

A rant...

...about having nothing to rant about.

How the hell can I maintain a blog when I have no rants?! Seriously. I make a blog to rant, or offer advice to those with problems.

No emails, so no problems to rant about and resolve.

And nothing is going horribly wrong in my life, so I have no rants of my own! WTF?! If there are no rants, then my blog is useless!


Perhaps I could complain about my children. But then people would think I shouldn't have had kids. I love my kids! Wouldn't change them for the world! Behaviors, on the other hand, I would.

Even my ILs have been well behaved! Or maybe that's because we don't see them much, so there's nothing to complain about.

Except SIL.

Bitch was trying to call YDD Renesmee. Why? Because SIL claims YDD looks like the baby from the movie. Ummmm... ... ... no. STFU, that is NOT her name. Call her that again, and I'll cut out your tongue and feed it to the goats.

Or maybe the llamas. Llamas might be more fitting.

Perhaps the Holiday season will bring some rant material my way.

*sulks in the corner for a lack of drama* :-p

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