Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fuck You, Mold!

I now have a huge fucking hole in my livingroom ceiling. A huge. Fucking. Hole. A 12 foot by 6 foot hole. I also have a nice chunk of wall missing. A 6 foot by 6 foot hole in the wall.


Because some asshole fucked up. Whomever installed the window for the window well thing? Yeah. He's a fucking dumb-ass! Considering it was the guy who lived here previously who did the basement himself, I'm thinking HE is the idiot who fucked shit up.

What did this douce-nozzle do?

Only screw a huge fucking screw straight into the fucking water line!

So, it acted like a plug for a while. Then, because it's the water line, it started to rust. After a while, said rust allowed for an escape through the pipe. A nice, steady, slow leak.

The result?


It finally caused a crack through the drywall a couple weeks ago. Where? Right above my husband's computer! Awesome, isn't it?

So, a ton of moldy shit was pulled off the ceiling and wall. A new pipe was placed. Now, we have to figure out repairing the drywall. Awesome.


Luckily, because it was a busted pipe, our insurance will cover it.

After we pay the $1000 deductible.


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