Thursday, September 1, 2011

Respect, Marriage, and Idiocrity

Wow. Two in one day!

It has come to my attention that there are women out there who think it is perfectly fine to flirt and otherwise romantically fraternize with men who are not their spouse. This goes for men, too, only about women.

Seriously?! A great big WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!

I cannot call the woman-child this on the site I saw this on, as it'd be a personal attack... but women like that are tramps. They're sluts who have not YET spread their legs. They're a bane upon the Earth bringing a bad name to women and the sanctity of marriage.

If you are married, you do NOT flirt with other people!

If you are married, you do NOT allow others to make sexual comments to you, about you, unless it's your husband/wife!

If these people continue when you make it clear it is unacceptable (ASSuming you're smart enough to do so), then you remove them from your life!

RESPECT your spouse enough to not flirt with others.

RESPECT your spouse enough to not allow others to flirt and be inappropriate with you.

RESPECT yourself enough to only want your spouse!


That is all.

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